Official Partner: EWB-SA
We happily announce Engineers Without Borders South Africa (EWB-SA) as one of our major partners. It feels good to have somebody on site, who can help us organising certain things before we arrive.
EWB-SA will particularly organise the venues, choose participating students and help with other things. They will also provide a case for each workshop, which consists of an issue in the local community. The students shall find solutions to this case problem. They will also participate in the workshop, so they can take the knowledge we provide further.
From our side, umnandi will provide EWB-SA with the outputs from our project: (1) insights into the problems, which the participating students see in their communities. These will be brainstormed during the workshop. (2) solutions that the students envision, develop and pitch to us for the given case. These possible solutions may be developed further and implemented by EWB-SA in contact with the respective students. This gives them the chance to be proud of their idea and show them, that their input is respected and valuable and shows them, that they actually can move things.